Too Much Social Media Is Bad

Is Too Much Social Media Bad for Our Health?

We all know how much I love educational technology. I go then excited nigh new tech tools to try, programming robots to use, and teaching students to be conscious digital citizens. With all of this great technology comes challenges also, though. In this blog series about Social Media Detox, I'm hoping to bring to low-cal some of the consequences of unchecked social media usage.

It is something that impacts both adults and kids so it is becoming critically important to build positive habits from an early age.

Are you lot one of the 3 billion people who use social media every unmarried
twenty-four hours? If so, it could be having a seriously negative impact on your wellness.

It's thought that around 40% of the globe's population now uses social
media. While in that location's no denying it comes with some pretty great benefits, users
also need to be aware of the negative impact it could be having on their wellness
well being.

Here, nosotros'll look at the downsides of as well much social media and how it
could exist impacting your health.

The Touch of Social Media On Mental Health

There's been a lot of research carried out over the past few years,
which has shown excessive social media use tin can lead to mental health bug.
It's been linked to an increase in depression, anxiety, stress and eating

At that place's a number of reasons social media can trigger mental health
issues. Firstly, although you lot're interacting digitally with friends and family,
it's not the aforementioned as in-person interaction. This ways y'all tin can often stop up
feeling isolated and lone.

It's too common to feel envious of others when y'all're browsing your
social media feed. Comparing yourself to how others are doing is only going to make
y'all feel bad if information technology appears you're not doing every bit well equally they are.

Could It Exist Affecting Your Physical Health Too?

While the mental health furnishings of social media are pretty well known,
many people are unaware of the physical effects it tin can take.

The more you use social media, the less active you're going to be. This
means your cardiovascular health is going to suffer, yous'll potentially gain
weight and it also increases the chances of developing a serious illness if
you're not active enough.

And then, the physical effects can exist pretty serious if you're addicted to
social media.

Is Too Much Social Media Bad for Our Health?

Trouble Sleeping? It Could Be Social Media!

The majority of adults take difficulty sleeping, just could it be down to
your social media use? Well, if you tend to lay in bed checking your social
media before you get to sleep, the answer is aye.

Looking at a screen and communicating with people on social media right
before bed, is sure to negatively impact your slumber.

Is Too Much Social Media Bad for Our Health?

Your brain will exist more active, making it more difficult to really
fall comatose. Information technology's likewise known that the bluish lite emitted from smartphone and
tablet screens, tin interrupt sleep patterns.

Then, similar anything in life, also much social media tin prove to be harmful
to your health. Many of us have go reliant on social media without fifty-fifty
realizing information technology.

Therefore, if you're looking to ameliorate your health and live a happier
life, the answer could be to cut back on your social media use.

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